Source code for tweetfinder.article

The main module to support finding embedded tweets and mentions of tweets in online news.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import readability
import re
import requests
import logging
import pycld2 as cld2
from typing import List, Dict

from . import mentions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# when we find a mention, we include this many characters of context before and after it

# how many seconds to wait when trying to load a webpage via GET

# modified from
tweet_status_url_pattern = re.compile(r'^https?:\/\/twitter\.com\/(?:#!\/)?(\w+)\/status(es)?\/(\d+).*', re.IGNORECASE)

class UnsupportedLanguageException(BaseException):
    """Helper class thrown when tying to parse mentions in a language that isn't supported."""

    def __init__(self, language: str):
        self.language = language
        super().__init__("Finding mentions is only supported in English right now (not {})".format(self.language))

[docs]class Article: """ This is how you parse an article for embeds and mentions of Tweets. Pass in a `url` or `html` to the constructor. Then call any of the `get_` methods to see what the code found. """ def __init__(self, url: str = None, html: str = None, mentions_list: list = None, timeout: int = None): """ Process an online news article to find embedded tweets and mentions of tweets. Send in either `url` or `html`. :param url: Option A: Pass in a URL to an available news story online. This will be fetched for you and content will be extract via the readability library. :param html: Option B: Pass in html text to be parsed. :param mentions_list: Pass in a custom list of snippets that count as "mentions" or tweets. The default is to use the ones in `mentions.ALL`. You can use another subset from that module, or provide your own. :param timeout: If you pass in `url`, you can customize how long to wait before timing out the request if the server doesn't respond. The default value is `DEFAULT_TIMEOUT` (5 seconds). """ if (url is None) and (html is None): raise ValueError('You must pass in either a url or html argument') self._url = url # make the list of mentions unique here as a safeguard, and also sort it for reproduceable results self._mentions_list = sorted(set([term.strip().lower() for term in (mentions_list or mentions.ALL)])) self._download_timeout = timeout or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if html is None: self._html = self._download_article() else: self._html = html self._process() def _download_article(self) -> str: """ Internal help to download html from a URL and return the full content. :return: """ url = self._url r = requests.get(url, timeout=self._download_timeout) return r.text.lower() def _process(self) -> None: """ Parse the HTML and find embedded tweets, and mentions. :return: """ self._html_soup = BeautifulSoup(self._html, "lxml") # remove HTML tags so we can search text-only content for mentions later doc = readability.Document(self._html) self._content = doc.summary().lower() self._content_soup = BeautifulSoup(self._content, "lxml") self._content_no_tags = self._content_soup.get_text().strip() # lets parse it all here so we don't have to do it more than once self._embeds = self._find_embeds() self._mentions = self._find_mentions()
[docs] def get_html(self) -> str: """Return the HTML fetched if you passed in a url, or the same HTML you passed in if not.""" return self._html
[docs] def get_content(self) -> str: """Return the part of the webpage that we considered as content, via the readability library.""" return self._content
[docs] def embeds_tweets(self) -> bool: """Does this webpage have any embedded tweets?""" return len(self._embeds) > 0
[docs] def mentions_tweets(self) -> int: """Does this webpage mention any tweets?""" return len(self._mentions) > 0
[docs] def count_embedded_tweets(self): """How many tweets are embedded on this webpage?""" return len(self._embeds)
[docs] def count_mentioned_tweets(self): """How many times are tweets mentioned on this webpage?""" return len(self._mentions)
[docs] def list_embedded_tweets(self) -> List[Dict]: """ Detailed information about the tweets embedded on the webpage. :return: The exact info depends on how the tweets were embeded. If they were embedded the official way, then we can return a link to the tweet, the tweet id, and the author's username. But there are some other ways tweets are embededed via Javascript that only let us parse out the tweet id easily. So you can check the `html_source` property of each returned one to identify how we found it and then look for other data based on that. You will at least get the tweet id no matter which method we found it with. """ return self._embeds
[docs] def list_mentioned_tweets(self) -> List[Dict]: """ Detailed information about each mention of a tweet we found=. :return: None if this isn't a supported language, otherwise a List. Each item includes the `phrase` found, some `context` via a window of text around it, and `content_start_index` to help you find it yourself in the `get_content` string. """ return self._mentions
def _find_embeds(self) -> List[Dict]: """Search content for any embedded tweets via a variety of methods.""" tweets = [] # Twitter recommends embedding as block quotes blockquotes = self._html_soup.find_all('blockquote') for b in blockquotes: # We could check the official way of doing it: # `if b.has_attr('class') and ('twitter-tweet' in b['class']): # this is an array of the CSS classes` # But we found some sites don't use that class, so check if there is a link to twitter in there. # In our experimentation this produces better results than just checking the class. links = b.find_all('a') tweet_info = None for link in links: # grab first link that we think is a good one to parse if (tweet_info is None) and tweet_status_url_pattern.match(link['href']): info = tweet_status_url_pattern.match(link['href']).groups() tweet_info = dict(tweet_id=info[2], username=info[0], full_url=link['href'], html_source='blockquote url pattern') # if no super nice link, fallback on custom parsing of first one that has some good potential if tweet_info is None: for link in links: if (tweet_info is None) and link.has_attr('href') and ('' in link['href']): try: twitter_url = link['href'] username_start_index = twitter_url.find('@') username = twitter_url[username_start_index:-1] tweet_id_start_index = twitter_url.find('/') tweet_id = twitter_url[tweet_id_start_index:-1] tweet_info = dict(tweet_id=tweet_id, username=username, full_url=twitter_url, html_source='blockquote url fallback') except Exception: # some other format that we couldn't handle logger.warning("Can't parse potential link to tweet: {}".format(link['href'])) tweet_info = None if tweet_info: tweets.append(tweet_info) # some people do it differently, (CNN, others) embed with like this divs = self._html_soup.find_all('div', class_="embed-twitter") for d in divs: if d.has_attr('data-embed-id'): tweet_info = dict(tweet_id=d['data-embed-id'], html_source='div with data-embed-id') tweets.append(tweet_info) # check if we are looking at HTML already rendered by JS and transformed into an iframe of content divs = self._html_soup.find_all('div', class_="twitter-tweet-rendered") for d in divs: iframes = d.find_all('iframe') for iframe in iframes: if iframe.has_attr('data-tweet-id'): tweet_info = dict(tweet_id=iframe['data-tweet-id'], html_source='rendered iframe') tweets.append(tweet_info) return tweets def _validate_language(self): """Throw an error if this isn't a supported language for finding mentions.""" valid_languages = ['en'] try: is_reliable, _, details = cld2.detect(self._content) detected_language = details[0][1] if is_reliable and (detected_language not in valid_languages): raise UnsupportedLanguageException(detected_language) except cld2.error: # if there was some weird unicode then assume it isn't english raise UnsupportedLanguageException("Undetectable") def _find_mentions(self) -> List[Dict]: """ Find the first occurrence of the twitter phrase, then continue searching for the next occurrence of the twitter phrase from the index of end of the current twitter phrase instance until there are no more twitter phrases located. :return: None if the language isn't supported, otherwise a list. """ try: self._validate_language() # bail if this isn't in english except UnsupportedLanguageException: return None mentions_dict_list = [] article_text = self._content_no_tags for twitter_phrase in self._mentions_list: start_index = 0 phrase_index = 0 while phrase_index != -1: phrase_index = article_text.find(twitter_phrase, start_index) # this is the start index into the *content*, not the raw html start_index = phrase_index if phrase_index != -1: context_start = max(0, phrase_index - MENTIONS_CONTEXT_WINDOW_SIZE) context_end = min(len(article_text), phrase_index + len(twitter_phrase) + MENTIONS_CONTEXT_WINDOW_SIZE) context = article_text[context_start:context_end] mention_dict = {'phrase': twitter_phrase, 'context': context, 'content_start_index': start_index} mentions_dict_list.append(mention_dict) start_index = phrase_index + len(twitter_phrase) # returns a tuple of the twitter phrase count and a list of the starting indices of each of the # twitter phrases return mentions_dict_list